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Lista de artículos

M.N. Moyano-Muñoz and M.D.M. Sánchez Fuentes,  "Homophobic bullying at schools: A systematic review of research, prevalence, school-related predictors and consequences.", "Aggression and Violent Behaviour" , -, 2020
N. Ruiz Herrera, A. Guillén Riquelme, A. Díaz Román, N. Cellini and G. Buela Casal,  "Sleep among presentations of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Analysis of objective and subjective measures", "International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology" , vol.20, 54-61, 2020
A. Carneiro Barrera, F.J. Amaro Gahete, F.M. Acosta and J. Ruiz Ruiz,  "Body composition impact on sleep in young adults: The mediating role of sedentariness, physical activity, and diet", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.9, 1560-, 2020
C.F. Calvillo Martínez "Validity evidence and norms of the Spanish version of Sexual Fantasy", "Psicothema" , vol.32, 429-436, 2020
E. Miro Morales, M.P. Martinez Narvaez-Cabeza De Vaca and A.I. Sanchez Gomez,  "Clinical Manifestations of Trauma Exposure in Fibromyalgia: The Role of Anxiety in the Association between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Fibromyalgia status", "Journal of Traumatic Stress" , vol.33, 1082-1092, 2020
C.F. Calvillo Martínez, M.D.M. Sánchez Fuentes and J.C. Sierra Freire,  "An explanatory model of sexual satisfaction in adults with a same-sex partner: An analysis based on gender differences", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" , vol.17, -, 2020
A. Álvarez-Muelas, M.D.C. Gómez Berrocal and J.C. Sierra Freire,  "Relación del doble estándar sexual con el funcionamiento sexual y las conductas sexuales de riesgo: revisión sistemática [Relationship of sexual double standard with sexual functioning and risk sexual behaviors: A systematic review]", "Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud" , vol.11, 103-116, 2020
L.D.C. Sánchez Sánchez "Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Confinement and Its Relationship with Meditation" , vol.17, 6642-, 2020

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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