Scientific production
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J.C. Hernández-Soberón, R. Torres-Obregón, A.L. Carrillo Cervantes, I.A. Medina-Fernández, J.C. Sierra Freire
D.J. Onofre-Rodríguez,
"Propiedades psicométricas del Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire en personas mayores", Revista Internacional de Andrología, vol.20
, 170-177, 2022
S.M. Parra-Barrera, M.D.M. Sánchez Fuentes, M.N. Moyano-Muñoz
R. Granados De Haro,
"Protection of Human Rights and barriers for people with HIV/AIDS in Colombia: An analysis of the legal framework", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19
, 11423-, 2022
S. Dominguez-Salas, M.D.C. Rodríguez Domínguez, A.I. Arcos Romero, R. Allande Cussó, J.J. García-Iglesias
J. Gómez-Salgado,
"Psychometric Properties of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) in a Sample of Active Health Care Professionals in Spain", Psychology Research and Behavior Management, vol.2022
, -, 2022
J.C. Sierra Freire, A. Álvarez-Muelas, A.I. Arcos Romero, O. Cervilla Saez, P. Mangas Juárez, L.E. Muñoz-García
F. Monge,
"Sexual Activity in Peruvian Adolescents: Relevance of Socio-Demographic Variables and Sexual Attitudes", Children, vol.9
, 386-, 2022
A.I. Arcos Romero, D. Expósito-Guerra
J.C. Sierra Freire,
"Sexual desire and its relationship with subjective orgasm experience", International Journal of Impotence Research, vol.34
, 93-99, 2022
M.D.C. Gómez Berrocal, M.N. Moyano-Muñoz, A. Álvarez-Muelas
J.C. Sierra Freire,
"Sexual double standard: A gender-based prejudice referring to sexual freedom and sexual shyness", Frontiers in Psychology, vol.13:1006675
, -, 2022
M.D.M. Sánchez Fuentes, M.N. Moyano-Muñoz
R. Granados De Haro,
"Sexually explicit material and its relationship with sociodemographic variables, sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction in Spanish sample", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19
, -, 2022
A. Álvarez-Muelas, J.C. Sierra Freire, M.D.C. Gómez Berrocal, A.I. Arcos Romero, C.F. Calvillo Martínez
R. Granados De Haro,
"Study of Sexual Concordance in Men and Women with Different Typologies of Adherence to the Sexual Double Standard", International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, vol.22
, -, 2022
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024