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M. Guillot Valdés, A. Guillén Riquelme
G. Buela Casal,
"Content Validity through Expert Judgment for the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test ", International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, vol.22
, 100292-, 2022
R. Ramos-Alvarez, M. Kapp, A. Clinton, J.M. Fernández Millán, F.L. Cabo, A.I. Giménez-López, C.A. Solano Galvis, M. Rodríguez-Ruíz
R. Muelas Lobato,
"Development and Validation of SERR Scale for Detecting Extremism and Religious Radicalism", Psicothema, vol.34
, 593-602, 2022
A. Carneiro Barrera, F.J. Amaro Gahete, L. Jurado Fasoli, G. Saez Roca, C. Martín Carrasco, F.J. Tinahones-Madueño
J. Ruiz Ruiz,
"Effect of an interdisciplinary weight loss and lifestyle intervention on dietary behavior in men with obstructive sleep apnea: The INTERAPNEA randomized clinical trial.", Nutrients, vol.14
, 2731-, 2022
A. Carneiro Barrera, F.J. Amaro Gahete, A. Guillén Riquelme, L. Jurado Fasoli, G. Saez Roca, C. Martín Carrasco, G. Buela Casal
J. Ruiz Ruiz,
"Effect of an interdisciplinary weight loss and lifestyle intervention on obstructive sleep apnea severity: The INTERAPNEA randomized clinical trial", JAMA Network Open, vol.5
, e228212-e228212, 2022
J.M. García-Montes, O.G. Miani Danza
L.D.C. Sánchez Sánchez,
"Exploración preliminar sobre las variables psicológicas implicadas en la adicción a redes sociales on-line", Adicciones
, -, 2022
O. Cervilla Saez
J.C. Sierra Freire,
"Masturbation parameters related to orgasm satisfaction in sexual relationships: Differences between men and women", Frontiers in Psychiatry, vol.13
, -, 2022
L.D.C. Sánchez Sánchez
M.F. Valderrama,
"Mindfulness en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesionales y cuidadores/as de personas en riesgo de exclusión social", Revista Internacional de Andrología, vol.20
, 54-61, 2022
M. Guillot Valdés, A. Guillén Riquelme, J.C. Sierra Freire
G. Buela Casal,
"Network and Exploratory Factorial Analysis of the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19
, 10788-, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024